

private messaging, no pictures or videos, just words

Control your own messages posting, hiding, and deleting times.

Subscription model, currently $120USD per year ($10/month).

check out our sister sites:

25 free users are available for you to create. These accounts will only have access to your groups, and not have access to admin functions,

Create your own groups, or join anothers by entering the group password. then you will see all the conversations for that group, unless they are private.

Groups and individual conversations can be made private and/or locked.

Groups can also be closed. A closed group cannot be joined nor have users added. A locked group means no one can add or remove any conversation. Existing conversations though, can still be used for chatting, posts can be added and edited.

If you want a conversation locked so no new posts and no posts can be changed or deleted, then you have to lock that conversation as well. A group does not have to be locked for a conversation to be locked, and locking a group does not automatically lock the conversations that exist there.

I hope that makes sense. It is actually way simpler than it sounds. Give it a try, it makes sense once you get in there and check it out.

A private and locked group will still allow users to join, as long as they know the group password. A private group will not show up in a search. A closed group can not be joined nor any users added.

No conversations can be created, removed or have its properties modified in a locked group except by the group creator. However existing conversations can still have posts added by anyone unless the conversation is locked.

group creators cannot be locked out of either a conversation or an entry. nor conversation creators locked out of any posts, however only the creator of an entry can modify the text in the message. Group creators, conversation creators and moderators can all delete any users posts, but only the creator of the entry can change the text of the message. Users must be added to a private conversation, and only group members can be added.

You can always edit and delete your own chat posts, whether or not the group or conversation is locked.

Group members must enter the group password to join a group, which confirms consent.

This is an end user agreement. If you create a group, you accept responsibility for the group and anything posted in that group. If you join a group, you accept that you might be offended and enter at your own risk and only if you are 18 years or older.

Moderators can be selected for both groups and individual conversations, and these moderators have all the same permissions as the creator. So, where it says only the creator can do something above or below here that also means the moderators.

Email notification is paused. send me a support ticket if you require it.

Only your IP is saved, and only for security reasons, if you use a proxy service (often called a VPN service) then no data can be linked to you here. Only cookies from native PHP sessions are used.

Proudly javascript free.

I will not sell or release your information, nor use it for any purpose other than this site. You control all the information here, and you only need to add an email address for password reset issues, or perhaps a support issue. There is a support link once you login and I do check that often.

By using this site, you are confirming you will not use any of these services to break any laws, anywhere.

I believe in freedom, I will not release your information to anyone for any reason other than a warrant from the government I live under.


